Friday is a day of Spriritual Healing. Friday is represented by the Ruby Flame, and the golden colour. This ray brings into one's Being Divine qualities of Commitment, Divine service, Grace and Spritual Healing.
Invocation for Friday
"Beloved Presence of God, I AM in my self, I love Thee and worship Thee. Come out and radiate Thy Golden Flame in me and through me, so that it blesses every cell of my body and all powers of Nature that are serving me so beautifully!
Let me be a Blessing Presence so that anybody who only touches the edge of my aura can feel Thy Love, Thy Peace and Thy Perfection! I AM the Presence of Blessing, I bless everybody and everything!
Our needs in energy, attention and serving are obstacles to spiritual progress for so long until we learn to consciously calm down the energies of our world, so that we can be given new power and new faith of our I AM Presence and of other Divine Beings.
If we fail to constantly maintain the inner and the outer peace, no matter how perfectly we act, we shall ultimately have only ashes - so long as in our consciousness there are so-called "seven mortal sins": lust or passion, revolt or anger, greed or envy, sloth or indifference, pride or arrogance, or any one of their shades. Peace is not a passive quality, peace is the most concentrated activity of strength!
How much strength and mastery over ourselves we need to preserve our own peace, to be absolutely balanced and Masters over every situation, regardless of the obstacles in our family life, knowledge and service. Fill me with Thy strength making me a Master here and now! I thank Thee.
Note: This is only a shortened version of the Friday Invocation!
You can also directly invoke the help of Archangel Uriel and Elohim Tranquility, who are responsible for the energies of the Ruby flame and for the Sixth ray in general.