Yellow Flame Invocation Monday - Second Light Ray

Monday is represented by the Golden-Yellow Flame. This ray brings into one's Being energy of the Divine qualities of Wisdom, Enlightenment, Love, and Tranquility.

yellow ray

Invocation for Monday

"My Beloved Christ Self, I AM in myself, I love you and worship you. I invoke the Yellow Flame of Christ's cosmical Love and Enlightenment to embrace me and every part of life with which I shall ever come in touch! God's Enlightenment and Wisdom rule over everything I do! I hearken, understand and bless everything I touch. I am aware that in my physical body there is Flame of Cure healing me from any imperfection. In my physical body there is infinite power supplying my needs, enlightenment for my outer consciousness and an intelligence through which every form attains perfection which is in its primary Essence.

I am aware that there is only ONE Force and Power, God, in my heart and that this Force works for me to the extent that I believe in it. Come out, Beloved Christ Self, I AM in myself, fulfil your DIVINE PLAN for me NOW!

We should not try to go somewhere else to find God's Presence, we should just be at peace. Let us open our eyes in the peace of our sensitive world and we shall notice God's Majestic Power, it is our heart's blow! Let us allow the Nature of Divinity to permeate us in every place in which we have to find ourselves and let us testify to our feeling of Almightiness of Love and of God's Presence!

Let us think every morning on the Nature of our Presence and on the mastery of our Presence. Let us observe for a moment, silently, and then let us go out and try to be this Presence at least for half an hour.

But we must take care to protect ourselves from the worm of spiritual pride that so often in the midst of this wonderful blossoming of spirituality again destroys Perfection. "

Note: This is only a shortened version of the Monday Invocation!

Pink Ray Invocation pink ray