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Herbal Stress Remedies: Little Known Ways to Reduce Stress

By ezabielska

Stress is inevitable in our lives. In our workplace, school, and at home, we encounter a lot of difficulties that makes us anxious and stressed-out. But dealing with it does not have to be expensive. There are herbal stress remedies available just everywhere! Most people nowadays recommend it due to its effectiveness. Also, people are worried about the possible harmful side-effects of commercial medicines, which are not present in herbal medicines.

Just scroll down these page and discover some of the most wonderful herbal stress remedies.


• Borage as a remedy for stress

            Borage (Borago officinalis) is a plant that is common around Europe and North America since the climate there fits the needs of the plant. It has a violet star-shaped flower with white hairs that look like spines around its body. It grows annually and can have many uses. For instance, it can be used in cooking, pest prevention, and many other medical uses. It is often recommended as an aid for anxiety, stress, and depression. Its oil is used to soothe the adrenals and produce adrenaline to help the body cope and fight stress. It increases one’s courage and confidence too. It can be taken as a supplement in gel capsules or as tea. However, people who take it may also experience nausea and headaches, which are normal. Consult doctors for the correct dosage and applicability of the medicine to a patients’ condition.


• Fight stress with Chamomile

passion flower

            Worldwide, Chamomile is known for its mild and relaxing apple-like scent. Though some allergic reactions with this plant may be possible, it is often safely used for young children and adults. Roman and German Chamomile are the two kinds of chamomile, and both have lots of uses too.  It calms the digestive system, reduces headaches and even arthritis. It is sometimes used in treating kidney, liver, and bladder disorders. Even simple problems like dandruff, burns, and infected wounds can be aided with chamomile! Yet, it is best used as herbal stress remedies because of its calming effects. Chamomile tea can be taken before bedtime since it gives people a relaxing sleep, hence it also treats insomnia. It is inexpensive and widely available in tea and in capsules too.


• Ginseng relieves stress

            Ginseng roots are famous herbal stress remedies. It is commonly found in many parts of Asia, particularly in Siberia and India. Similarly, it affects the adrenal glands and is proven to actually reduce the level of stress of those who take it. Regular taking of ginseng enhances the body’s ability to cope with physical and emotional stress. It also improves one’s memory and alertness and reduces fatigue.

About the Author

The herbal stress remedies can help you to relax yourself and get relief from stress. Need stress relief? Download FREE report that will show you how to overcome your stress permanently. Click this link to get your Free Stress Relief Download.


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