Guest Articles >> Natural Health

The Bees Knees of Nutrition

By Oktay

Did you know that the nutritional value of bee pollen is one of the richest natural foods in existence?

Take a look at the nutrients in bee pollen. Just one teaspoon gives you 1.21g of protein, 4% of the daily recommended doses of vitamin C and Copper, 2% of the daily recommended dose of Zinc, Iron and Riboflavin as well as 1% of the daily recommended dose of Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin E and Magnesium; and all of that in just one teaspoon!

It really shouldn't be surprising that the nutritional value of bee pollen is so dense, for the pollen grains collected by bees consist of the male germ cells of the plants they were gathered from, and male germ cells are detrimental to ensuring the fertilization (and continuation) of the plant life-cycle.

Without them there would be no fertilization and no flowers. And of course, without the flowers, there are so many different kinds of plants that would never ripen into the fruits and vegetables that we know and love.

That one teaspoon of bee pollen; the one with so many nutrients in it, contains over 2.5 billion grains of pollen compacted (as only bees can in the natural world) into one convenient form; and one which it is very easy to use in everyday cooking and in dozens of products that can help to promote your overall health.

So, if pollen is so very beneficial, why not gather it straight from the plants? Why rely on the bees to take care of it for you? The answer to that is fairly simple.

Bees Collect the Best Pollen

The pollen that the bees gather is actually better than the pollen you would get directly from the plants themselves. This is because bees are picky. They only collect the very best pollen from each flower.

Bees have a knack for knowing which pollen grains are the very best, and will leave those that are not up to their discriminating tastes.

The Nutritional Value of Bee Pollen

What it amounts to is that the nutritional content of bee pollen is dependent on which kinds of pollen grains the bees select, which they do with unerring precision.

There are two kinds of pollen grains; anemophilous pollen grains and entomophilous pollen grains. Entomophilous pollen grains have a superior nutritional content.

The bees choose this one over the anemophilous pollen grains because it maximizes their food sources.

By choosing only the kind of pollen grains with the highest nutritional value they can create honey which will feed more of their number and last them longer throughout the winter than they would if they chose anemophilous pollen grains. It is, for the bees, a matter of survival, and it is an art they have fine-tuned.

While it may seem incredible that such tiny creatures would have the ability to differentiate between kinds of pollen to such a miniscule degree, the end result is that the nutritional value of bee pollen can be trusted to have a better nutritional content than will those pollens that are collected straight from the different kinds of plants.

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Oktay writes for


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