Guest Articles >> Natural Health

The Nuances of Being Gluten-Free for Life

By Pete Wise

The gluten-free movement began as a way to treat celiac disease. The disease, which causes an immune reaction that attacks the lining of the stomach after you digest gluten-filled foods, has possible long-term effects. For instance, the disease interferes with nutrient absorption and can increase the risk for cancer, anemia and bone disease. The only way to avoid the symptoms associated with celiac disease and possible medical conditions is by incorporating a gluten-free diet into your life forever.

That fact that you have to avoid gluten isn’t a death sentence or anything close to it. Even people who do not suffer from celiac disease are choosing to incorporate a gluten-free diet into their life. Yes, switching to a gluten-free diet may be challenging at first because it takes a lot of homework such as reading food labels. There are positive, subtle distinctions of being gluten-free for life and a regular diet. Thus, the slight degree to which you cut wheat, rye, triticale (wheat and rye combination), malt flavorings and barley from your diet can have big benefits.

Including Gluten-free Free Foods

A gluten-free diet has something in common with adopting healthier eating habits. There are many foods that are healthy and naturally free of gluten. The foods aren’t pre-packaged with fancy labeling. So, there’s no need to study food labels like you’re preparing for an important examination.
These foods consist of fresh foods such as fruit, eggs, and meats like fish, pork and chicken. Many plain foods (which do not have additives or harmful ingredients) such as beans, rice, butter, cream, nuts, milk and margarine are also gluten-free. Therefore, these foods allow you to enjoy snacking without worrying about if they gluten-filled.

gluten-free bao dough cut in half

These fresh and plain foods do not include:
• Fresh meats that are batter-coated, breaded or marinated
• Processed seeds, beans or nuts
• Any foods containing preservatives or grains

Some Nuances of Being Gluten-Free for Life

A gluten-free diet does come with some subtle differences in the ingredients. Many of the products do not have many of the fortified nutrients that gluten-filled products do such as vitamin D and B, calcium, fiber and iron. For instance, you may gluten-free pasta that isn’t high in fiber. However, there are ways to receive these nutrients and still stay loyal to a gluten-free lifestyle.

• Use supplements
Taking a mineral supplement and a multivitamin can give the iron, fiber and other nutrients needed.

• Buy Whole Grain
If taking pills aren’t on your To-do list, then buy gluten-free, whole grain varieties of products that include a bran coating such as brown rice or brown rice flour.

• Consume More Naturally Gluten-free Foods

Consume more milk, cheese, almonds, and yogurt to receive the needed calcium. To receive more iron, eat fish, eggs, teff, meat and chicken. Orange juice, nuts and beans give you more Vitamin B.

Sources of Concealed Gluten

It sounds a little silly to talk about “concealed” or “hidden” gluten, but it’s out there. You may not even be aware that products like baked beans, stuffing, cake frosting, chocolate and sauces contain gluten, but many of them do. So unless the packages of candy, cookies, dressing, beer and even French fries have “gluten-free” don’t buy them.

Some products may not even include the word “wheat” on their food labels. Instead, the products may list kamut, bulgur, spelt, Farina and graham flour instead. These are all wheat products. So do not put them in your grocery cart.
In fact, totally stay away from them. If you consume the gluten-filled products one of two things may happen. You may experience symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating and stomach pain. However, you may not experience any symptoms at all. That does not mean that your stomach lining isn’t being damaged.

Maintaining a Gluten-Free Diet for Life

Eliminating gluten has become a way for people (even those without celiac disease) to feel better and healthier. You may, in fact, benefit from more energy, lower cholesterol levels and better digestion. Overall, you are ditching the breaded and fried unhealthy foods for healthier, naturally gluten-free ones. Do not fret, though. You do not have to ditch the junk foods such as pizza, candy and chips. Just make sure they do not include gluten.

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About the Author

Pete Wise is a Copy Writer working with Red Apple Lipstick; they are the first company to specialize completely in Gluten Free Cosmetics, and specialize in creating uniquely colored Gluten Free Lipstick. If you liked the article, follow Pete on Twitter: @MySEOHeadache


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gffl says:

You are right about the concealed gluten sources. You would never guess, but, for example, tomato sauce itself often contain gluten. This is because of the fact that processed sauces sometimes use food starches and malt flavourings during the production. Also, be careful with soy sauce, some sauces contain gluten. Also some peanut butter brands contain malt sugars with gluten traces.

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