Guest Articles >> Natural Health

Candida Infection And Your Health

By James Schreiber

Candida infection, also known as thrush or candidiasis, is a little known medical condition that can negatively affect your health in many different ways. This article will explore its causes, symptoms and treatment options.

According to a federal report, up to 75 percent of all women will experience at least one vaginal yeast infection caused by the Candida organism in their lifetime. But only few people realize that Candida overgrowth can manifest itself with much more complex symptoms:

  • unusually high fatigue
  • painful sex and urination
  • rashes
  • headaches
  • various types of digestive problems, including, bloatedness, diarrhea, constipation, etc...

Candida infection is caused by an overgrowth of an intestinal yeast like organism called Candida albicans. Under normal circumstances this yeast lives in harmony with other beneficial organisms (i.e. probiotics) in your gut. However, when something upsets the balance - this something can be antibiotics, birth control pills or lowered immunity - the Candida albicans may grow out of control and cause a tremendous amount of symptoms.

In order to treat Candida infection, one usually needs to adopt a more health oriented Candida diet that which - for a certain amount of time - removes things like sugary and glutenous foods from the diet. In addition, many people have been cured with probiotic and antifungal supplements that can greatly assist you in the Candida battle.

Epidemic Or Myth?

Unfortunately, the exact impact Candida overgrowth can have on one's health is still a bit unclear. In part this is because of a relatively low public awareness this condition has been receiving since its discovery in the early 1970s as the medical profession still denies its existence, making it almost impossible to get a medical diagnosis of Candida infection even when an out-of-control growth of the Candida yeast has been confirmed by a laboratory test.

On the other hand, many proponents of holistic medicine have been claiming that chronic yeast infection has reached almost epidemic proportions, affecting about 25 percent of all people worldwide.


The truth is probably somewhere between. While it may be possible that chronic Candida affects many people across the globe, it is always important to keep an open mind for other possibilities. In any case, if you find yourself struggling with any of the above mentioned symptoms (and have no reasonable explanation for your deterioration in health), taking your time to talk with a health care provider about Candida infection might be worth considering.

About the Author

James Schreiber is a guest writer who writes about Candida infection at - the biggest online source of information on Candida and yeast infections


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